On the other hand, if the indexes stabilize, or move higher, the iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN is likely to move lower. There is resistance at $22.88 though, this will need to be broken in order to reach the profit target. (52.6) YTD returns : 11 1 yr returns: 41.7 3 mths returns: 7.8 Expense ratio: 0.

If the stock market does in fact drop, this trade presents a great risk/reward ratio. DIA: 31 stocks Top 10: United Health, Goldman Sachs, Home depot, Amgen, Microsoft, Caterpillar, McD, Boeing, Visa,. If the S&P 500 SPDR drops to $120 from the June 25 close of $131.32, VXX could reach $45, a great potential return based on the June 25 close of $17.14. The 52-week low at $15.57 is support, and can also be used a stop level. Currently the ETN is trading at subdued levels - which is common during and just after a uptrend has occurred in the stock market - but if the stock market continues to drop, panic sets in, volatility increases and the ETN will rise rapidly. 10-Year Performance: 14.22 The goal is to keep costs to a minimum while generally sticking to Buffett’s hypothesis when it comes to his wife’s investments. Therefore, even though it is not an inverse ETF exactly, it does move opposite to the indexes, rising as the indexes fall. When the stock market declines, volatility increases and iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN moves up. This is a increase compared to yesterdays volume. Rather, it is an ETN that measures implied volatility. Access was mentioned in 2 out of 44,501 social media posts on Twitter and Reddit on Jul 07, 2023. The iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures (ARCA:VXX) ETN is not an actual inverse ETF.